(636) 399-5590   

|   16216 Baxter Road, Suite 250, Chesterfield, MO 63017

16216 Baxter Rd, Suite 250

Chesterfield, MO 63017

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Mon-Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Brow & Forehead Lift

A surgical brow and forehead complex lift is a popular cosmetic treatment that helps to create a higher brow position, which provides a younger look of the upper face. As we get older many areas of our face start to sag. This is more noticeable in the upper face than the lower face. 

The brow and forehead complex not only convey the aesthetics of youth and aging but is also essential in communication. The facial muscles and periorbital region convey diverse nonverbal communication. We frequently use our brows and forehead when we talk. Raising the brow can signal a question or surprise; contracting and depressing the brow and forehead may signal aggression or displeasure; raising a single brow may question sincerity, etc. Changing the brow and forehead complex with surgery or neuromodulators can either enhance aesthetics or make a person look unnatural.  A subtle brow and forehead lift can make the patient look younger and refreshed, while an overdone browlift can look hideous.

The idea that all beautiful women have elevated brows is a fallacy. Look at any fashion or model magazine and you will see beautiful women with low-sitting brows and others with elevated brows. Besides, not every patient with low brows will look better with them elevated. There are several types of browlift techniques each has pros and cons and have to be tailor based on your eyebrow and forehead. The bottom line is that the beauty of the browlift is truly in eye of the beholder.

Types of Browlifts

An important factor to keep in mind when choosing a browlift technique is whether or not it elevates the patient’s hairline. A long forehead and high hairline are not considered aesthetic for females. The commonest type of browlift being performed today is endoscopic, with conservative open procedures running a close second. Coronal and endoscopic browlift approaches will both elevate the anterior hairline along with the brows.


Coronal Browlift

Coronal Browlift is an aggressive open technique that utilizes an incision from ear to ear across the scalp. It has fallen out of popularity owing to drawbacks, such as over-elevated hairline, hair loss, nerve damage and long recovery.


Endoscopic Browlift

Endoscopic Browlift, this approach makes multiple incisions behind the hairline and separates the deep tissue planes and elevated the brow and forehead by lifting the redundant skin and repositioning it posteriorly using osseous fixation. Important preoperative details must also be considered. If the patient currently has an elevated hairline, the endoscopic brow and forehead lift will further elevate their hairline.

Transfollicular Forehead and Browlift

Transfollicular forehead and browlift, also called trichophytic. This browlift uses an incision that transects the hair follicles and is performed in the subcutaneous plane. It does not raise the hairline. Being a subcutaneous procedure, there is less edema and bruising. The excess skin is removed all across the horizontal hairline and sewing the edges back. There is no need for osseous fixation as the endoscopic approach.


Direct Browlifts

Direct Browlifts are performed by removing a horizontal ellipse of forehead skin at some position above the eyebrow and sewing the edges back. Although moderately effective, they do not address the entire forehead and leave noticeable scar. Older patients with deep horizontal wrinkles may tolerate a subtle scar in the forehead.

Transblepharoplasty Browlift

Transblepharoplasty Browlift involves performing routine upper lid blepharoplasty and suspending the eyebrow anchoring to the periosteum to support the elevated brow.

Conservative Lateral Browlift

Conservative Lateral browlift also known as “temporal browlift”, this approach makes an incision 2 cm behind the hairline over the temples. I prefer an elliptical tissue excision, as opposed to a simple incision. Since many patients have excess skin and scalp in this region, an ellipse of tissue is removed. This elliptical incision when is closed, can assist with tightening in the lateral brow area. 

After the release of the subcutaneous tissue from the temple hairline to the eyebrow, the undersurface of the incision is sutured to the deep temporal fascia, then the skin incisions are closed with staples. This approach allows the outer aspect of the eyebrow to be raised. It also helps to improve the lateral eyelid hooding and crow’s feet wrinkles.


The patient is seen 24 hrs. after surgery to evaluate brow position and check for hematoma or seroma formation. Most patients will have some degree of swelling, and if concomitant blepharoplasty was performed, their eyes could swell shut for 24-36 hours. Headache is common complaint, and various degrees of bruising may be present. All patients are given prescriptions for antibiotics, analgesics and anti-inflammatory steroids. Some patients may develop subconjunctival bruising and swelling. Patients should keep their activities light and return for staple removal in 7 to 10 days.

Call our office to schedule an appointment to get more information about browlift. By raising your hanging brow, you can improve your whole appearance and look more youthful and refreshed.

Contact Us

Call us today to schedule your consultation!

During your visit, you’ll meet personally with Dr. Ramos or Dr. Pawlikowski, who will provide you with a complete understanding of the available cosmetic procedures that will best match your aesthetic needs.

Office: (636) 399-5590

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.