(636) 399-5590
| 16216 Baxter Road, Suite 250, Chesterfield, MO 63017
16216 Baxter Rd, Suite 250
Chesterfield, MO 63017
The most common technologies for skin resurfacing are laser, radiofrequency and J-Plasma. These technologies combine precision temperature control with advanced real-time temperature monitoring.
The J-Plasma Renuvion is an advanced energy device that combines the unique properties of cold Helium plasma with Radiofrequency energy for greater control of tissue effect, enabling a high level of precision and virtually eliminating unintended tissue trauma. Renuvion not only dramatically contracts the skin but also completely removes the damage you have accumulated on your skin over the years.
Surgical facelift procedures can lift and “reposition” skin on your face to create a younger look, however it has many down sides including costs, recovery time and large scars. Besides, a surgical facelift does not resurface your skin, so you are left with the same discolored and damaged skin.
Renuvion is a fully ablative skin resurfacing technology, best used for deep wrinkles and moderate skin laxity, this technology delivers far superior results than Lasers. We perform Renuvion skin resurfacing in our office with mild sedation and local “tumescent” anesthesia which is injected under the entire face.
Post procedure, patients can experience redness, minor swelling, itching and skin peel. Patients, need to use facial moisturizer for 10 to 12 days. Some patients can use make-up after 7 days however it may take up to two weeks. Patients may need about 10 days of at home recovery to protect their skin and achieve best results. Patient may develop a light pink skin for five to six weeks. Because Renuvion is hyper focused plasma energy, it greatly reduces pain, scars, hyperpigmentation and other side effects associated with fully ablative laser treatments.
Non-ablative fractional Lasers are still a popular skin resurfacing option. Although multiple treatment sessions are required to achieve the desire outcome, downtime is limited to an average of 3 days of redness and minor swelling as opposed to 7-10 days of downtime with Ablative fractional laser resurfacing.
The non-ablative fractional lasers induce thermal injury to the dermis or subcutaneous tissue without epidermal vaporization. Besides, they treat only a fraction of the skin, allowing rapid epidermal repair from undamaged areas.
The procedure is great for correcting mild facial wrinkles, and skin blemishes like pigmentation, acne scars and more. It is also called laser peel. Based on your needs and complexion, the treatment will be customized for best results. It is often paired with intense pulse light to help remove and blend vascular and pigmented lesions. The procedure is performed with topical anesthetic and has little to no downtime.
Patients with skin type I-IV are good candidates for laser resurfacing. Patients with skin type V-VI have higher risk of post-inflammatory pigmentation despite decreasing laser energy and density.
We adjust the depth, width and density of the microscopic holes made by the CO2, or Erbium laser. These variables are customized based on the degree of skin tightening and wrinkle reduction desired, as well as the facial area to be treated such as eyes, cheeks, mouth, forehead, or neck.
Fractional CO2 Lasers produce small columns of ablation spaced by normal skin. The depth of these columns is related to the level of energy used. Although a single light CO2 fractional laser treatment can produce benefit, multiple treatments are more effective. However, deep fractional CO2 laser treatment uses smaller spot size, higher energy level, and require a single treatment. The CO2 laser is the gold standard for skin rejuvenation, skin tightening and wrinkle effacement.
Fractional Erbium Laser, this laser has a 13-fold greater affinity for water than CO2 lasers. The advantage of the Erbium: YAG laser include less ablation depth, less thermal damage, faster heeling and decreased facial redness. In spite of these advantages, the effect is less dramatic and needs 3 to 4 treatments. The Erbium laser is a great option for superficial skin dyschromia
These procedures are performed with topical anesthetic and mild sedation however, some patients may need oral or injectable medication for pain control, or use Pronox (laughing gas) to take the edge off. Patient usually have mild redness and swelling for 3 to 4 days (Erbium laser) or 7 to 8 days (CO2 laser). These ablative fractional lasers are also used to treat acne scars in addition to skin laxity and fine to moderate wrinkles.
Radiofrequency (RF) is a better alternative for skin resurfacing in patients with darker skin (Fitzpatrick skin type V-VI). Radiofrequency has less risk of post treatment pigmentation, however will also need multiple treatments to achieve desire outcome.
Patients looking to get a more youthful appearance or to improve facial skin blemishes, are good candidates for laser or radiofrequency skin resurfacing treatment. However, there are several factors to take into consideration when deciding which skin resurfacing modality treatment is best for your skin. Patients with sun damage, age spots, wrinkles, skin pigmentation and acne scars are good candidates for skin resurfacing. If you are undecided, is better to try milder treatment, then assess your outcomes and decide if you want a stronger treatment for your second appointment.
Numerous contraindications exist for peeling, radiofrequency, and laser skin resurfacing. Patients with history of hypertrophic or keloid scars, collagen vascular disease such as Lupus or Scleroderma, use of systemic retinoids such as isotretinoin (Accutane), or prior radiation therapy.
Patients who desire a more intense skin resurfacing treatment, are given Retin-A cream to be used 2 to 3 weeks prior to their treatment to improve the outcome. Deep skin resurfacing treatments will give you long lasting results; however, they require a longer recovery period. Post treatment, patients should not pick off flaking skin and will need to apply aquaphore or any skin moisturizer to protect the treated areas.
The skin resurfacing cost will depend based on the treatment type you choose. The best treatment option for you is based on the health of your skin, depth and intensity of treatment desired.
At Slim Image Aesthetic Center, we offer these technologies. Treatment is customized to optimally meet the needs of each patient by tailoring treatment efficacy and safety. Call our office to schedule a consultation to learn more about skin resurfacing treatments.
16216 Baxter Road, Suite 250, Chesterfield, MO 63017
Call us today to schedule your consultation!
During your visit, you’ll meet personally with Dr. Ramos or Dr. Pawlikowski, who will provide you with a complete understanding of the available cosmetic procedures that will best match your aesthetic needs.
Office: (636) 399-5590
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.