(636) 399-5590   

|   16216 Baxter Road, Suite 250, Chesterfield, MO 63017

16216 Baxter Rd, Suite 250

Chesterfield, MO 63017

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Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Fat Transfer Facelift

Contemporary facial cosmetic surgery relies as much on volume replacement as conventional lifting and tissue repositioning. Current modalities for volume replacement include facial implants, injectable fillers or autologous fat. There are multiple variables that must be considered when deciding the type of augmentation best suited to replace the volume. When considering volume rejuvenation, the cosmetic surgeon must take into account large shifts in the patient’s body mass index or anticipated weight loss. This is important when considering fat transfer. Patients with history of fluctuating weight may not be good candidates for autologous fat transfer sine the weight fluctuation may cause facial asymmetry. In our office, fat transfer is useful when treating small to moderate volume loss in the peri-orbital area, temples, lower cheeks, nasolabial folds and perioral area. We usually mix the harvested fat with Platelet Rich plasma (PRP), in a ratio 10:1 to maximize fat survival. This mixture is injected into the recipient areas using microcannulas in a multiple tissue level approach. Call our office to schedule a consultation to learn more about facial fat transfer.

Contact Us

Call us today to schedule your consultation!

During your visit, you’ll meet personally with Dr. Ramos or Dr. Pawlikowski, who will provide you with a complete understanding of the available cosmetic procedures that will best match your aesthetic needs.

Office: (636) 399-5590

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.