(636) 399-5590   

|   16216 Baxter Road, Suite 250, Chesterfield, MO 63017

16216 Baxter Rd, Suite 250

Chesterfield, MO 63017

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Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is one of the most popular cosmetic services in world to reduce hair in the face and body. They are an effective and permanent treatment compared to other hair removal methods. Laser energy targets the entire hair structure from the shaft down to the follicle. To achieve permanent hair removal, the laser must be able to effectively treat the different hair types and colors as well as the various skin types while providing maximum skin protection. The laser’s wavelength, pulse duration and spot size determine the effectiveness of the treatment and influence the depth of penetration and treatment speed.

The hair follicle has three growth cycles, it is sensitive to laser energy only in the anagen phase (active growing phase), besides each hair follicle grows in various stages. Due to these facts multiple treatment sessions are needed to target each hair follicle at its growing phase. Typically, patients will need 4 to 6 treatments every 3 to 4 weeks to get optimal results.

Laser hair removal treatment may cause minor to moderate discomfort based on the specific wavelength of the laser used.  There are many hair removal lasers on the market, but we are proud to offer the latest hair removal technology that is not only painless but also faster and more efficient than other hair removal lasers. We use the Lumenis laser 805 nm diode technology that has become the most effective and well-stablished method for hair removal. Our patients benefit from this laser features and experience high patient satisfaction.

Treatment can be customized to optimally meet the needs of each patient by tailoring treatment accuracy, efficacy, safety, comfort and speed.  Laser hair removal varies in cost depending on the area being treated as well as the number of sessions needed to attain optimal results. Multiple treatments are necessary for the best long-term results. We encourage you to compare the laser technology and affordable price of our hair removal packages.

Call our office to schedule a consultation with our cosmetic doctors to help you achieve a smoother skin by targeting unwanted hair on the face and body.

Contact Us

Call us today to schedule your consultation!

During your visit, you’ll meet personally with Dr. Ramos or Dr. Pawlikowski, who will provide you with a complete understanding of the available cosmetic procedures that will best match your aesthetic needs.

Office: (636) 399-5590

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.